Thursday, March 17, 2016

Visual Language evaluation


For the brief visual language, we was given multiply study tasks to complete.Throughout the brief I have learnt many things and came across many problems, such as during set, series, sequence I could of improved up on my 12 continued drawings of my pencil as they looked to mechanical at first, whilst completing this brief I have also learnt what sequential art is, after researching it thoroughly.

The first study task that we was given was the workshops, I really enjoyed these work shops but came across many difficulties. When model making the wire for my armature would continuously snap, so I had to change to the thinner wire, If I was to go back and improve my character model I would change my characters body shape, as I had made the body to big and she looks like a bus. Another problem I came across while in the work shops was the dragon frame induction, because my character used both green and blue colours for clothes I was told I would be unable to complete my induction on my character. I decided to try and complete it anyway and it was able to delete the background and add my own even with using both blue and green colours. This has taught me that in the future try and avoid those colours when creating a character model as it may become more difficult depending on the character.

For the study task captain character I have learnt how to create a character and have developed character sheets. The things I found most difficult would be the 360 turn around for my character development, as I couldn't figure out how my character would look, when facing certain positions, but for my first time creating a turn around I am really pleased with it, also with a lot more practice in the future I think this task will become a lot  simpler to me. Over all I have really enjoyed the captain character task

For study task 4 and 5 which are Environmental storytelling and Form, flow and force,  If I was to go back and start again I would probably change my backgrounds for the study task, Environmental storytelling, although I really like my drawings, I personally think I could have added more detail especially in my background drawings of the museum. If i was able to go back and change anything from form, flow and force i would probably change some of the half an hour drawings as most of them i had finished before 30 minutes, so I would probably spend more time on them.

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