Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Studio Brief 2- Idents

For my Hallmark channel ident, I have decided to a motion graphic to demonstrate life's special moments. I think creating this motion graphic will be more effective as I will be able to show 4 or more special moments on the screen at once, as this animation is on 10 seconds long. I have started to research into some motion graphics and I really like the use of having circle heads for my characters, also I really like how all the colours are suitable for the  character on screen, after researching the Hallmark channel I was unsure what colour scheme to go with as all their idents, are different and unlike E4 they don't have a specific colour that they use.

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Visual Language evaluation


For the brief visual language, we was given multiply study tasks to complete.Throughout the brief I have learnt many things and came across many problems, such as during set, series, sequence I could of improved up on my 12 continued drawings of my pencil as they looked to mechanical at first, whilst completing this brief I have also learnt what sequential art is, after researching it thoroughly.

The first study task that we was given was the workshops, I really enjoyed these work shops but came across many difficulties. When model making the wire for my armature would continuously snap, so I had to change to the thinner wire, If I was to go back and improve my character model I would change my characters body shape, as I had made the body to big and she looks like a bus. Another problem I came across while in the work shops was the dragon frame induction, because my character used both green and blue colours for clothes I was told I would be unable to complete my induction on my character. I decided to try and complete it anyway and it was able to delete the background and add my own even with using both blue and green colours. This has taught me that in the future try and avoid those colours when creating a character model as it may become more difficult depending on the character.

For the study task captain character I have learnt how to create a character and have developed character sheets. The things I found most difficult would be the 360 turn around for my character development, as I couldn't figure out how my character would look, when facing certain positions, but for my first time creating a turn around I am really pleased with it, also with a lot more practice in the future I think this task will become a lot  simpler to me. Over all I have really enjoyed the captain character task

For study task 4 and 5 which are Environmental storytelling and Form, flow and force,  If I was to go back and start again I would probably change my backgrounds for the study task, Environmental storytelling, although I really like my drawings, I personally think I could have added more detail especially in my background drawings of the museum. If i was able to go back and change anything from form, flow and force i would probably change some of the half an hour drawings as most of them i had finished before 30 minutes, so I would probably spend more time on them.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Study Task 1- Sketchbooks

These are just some of the sketches that I have drawn in my sketchbook as i have been walking around, or when I have seen something that has given me an idea. the first three images are sketches of when I went to the museum to create my environmental backgrounds, I drew these as I thought they were really interesting. The last image is of a sketch that I had drew, when coming up with ideas for the brief Set, series, sequence as my word was pencil, seeing 'Made in Germany' written on my pencil is was gave me the idea to create a pencil wearing a lederhosen

Study Task 2- Captain Character

I decided to go back and add more key poses for my character development, as my other key poses wasn't very dynamic, but these new poses show my character Kress, in dance moves, bending down, lying and sitting down. I think these key poses give my character more personality and are more interesting. 

Studio Brief 1- Set, Series, Sequence

This is my storyboard about my pencil man going to a strip club with pencil sharpener strippers.
In this storyboard i have added camera directions, this helpful for people viewing the storyboard and help me if i was going to animate this piece, as it would direct whats happening next. I wanted my storyboard to be quite short and simple as all my other drawings for this brief have been quite simple drawings.

Study Task 2- Captain Character

These are some of my character sheets that I have designed all in A3, the character sheets demonstrate my development throughout my character design task.  I have placed these designs on A3 because it looks more professional and doing this means I can have all my key poses and extremes/ facial expressions all on one sheet, instead of having multiple A4 sheets. I have also created character sheets for my character T-pose and 2/3rd pose. 

Study Task 3- You Spin Me Right Round

I decided to redo my character turn around, as she would move from left to right throughout it. In this turn around I have rearranged my character so then she is in the center and have deleted the background around her, because when I scanned in the images the pieces of paper would be moving all around the turn around too.

Study Task 4- Environmental Storytelling

These are my last drawings for my environmental background drawings, for these backgrounds I have chosen to draw the museum as I thought with all the different rooms and different cabinets, I could draw some really interesting backgrounds. For one of the rooms I explored I have drawn three times all from different perspectives to demonstrate a part of the room in which i found the most interesting. Whilst at the museum I went into this big empty room in the shape of a circle, like the Corn exchange I thought this would be a good background to draw. For my final background drawing of the museum I have drawn a set of stairs that show a curved wall, and the stairs in which I couldn't really see, only from below. Because the stairs where so high this meant I was able to draw the shadows from below, this was interesting to me as you wouldn't normally see it. 

Study Task 4- Environmental Storytelling

For my second place to draw my environmental backgrounds, I had chosen to draw the Corn exchange as I thought the barrel roof and multiple floors inside was really interesting, for this interior I mainly looked at trying to draw stairs from different perspectives and drawing from the different floors either looking up at the roof or drawing looking down to the bottom floor where there was nothing but the stairs and a bench. I tried to use different mediums for these backgrounds as I thought that it would give you a better idea of the differences in lights and shadows.

Study Task 4- Environmental Storytelling

For environmental background I have chosen to draw The university of Leeds, as I found that it has really interesting buildings that could be drawn using different perspectives, I also found the abstract sculpture in the middle of the campus really interesting and decided to draw that from 3 different perspectives as there is different buildings behind it from every angle and different lighting and shadows that can be seen

Study Task 4- Environmental Storytelling

These are the quick sketches of the 15 different backgrounds that I have drawn, I have drawn thumbnails as you can still demonstrate where everything is in a background, shading and perspective. This was very useful when drawing outside as most days were extremely cold but I could still draw the backgrounds and how i wanted them to look.

Study Task 2- Captain Character

This is a digital copy of my character to go with my other coloured image of Kress that I had done in coloured pencil. I have created a digital copy in coloured and black and white, to get an idea of what my character would look like if I was to digitally animate her.

Study Task 2- Captain Character

This was my colour style sheet for my character Kress, I decided to use these colours as I want her to be quite weird and gross, this is why I chose to use the two awful colours in the middle. But I didn't think they looked right to then I decided to colours that would contrast well with the blue jeans. In the end I chose to use the green jumper and blue jeans design as the colours were more fitting to my character and worked well with her blonde hair

Studio Brief 1- Set, Series, Sequence

I decided to carry on and develop my ideas for the 12 pencils I had to create, I had don't this because I felt as if my drawings were to mechanical and boring, so I placed the pencil man in day to day places, apart from the strip club drawings. I chose to place  the pencil in a beer garden, kitchen and zoo because I was going to base all my drawings off facts I found interesting about German, but then decided to draw him in a strip club with the pencil sharpener as the stripper and thats were all mt other drawings have come from because I really liked the out come of the drawings and I thought it was a lot more fun.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Study Task 5- Form, Flow, Force

Strike a Pose

For the last task we had to draw someone for up to 20- 30 minutes were we had to think about viewpoint perspective,texture, media, shape, form and weight the person. The image I would go back on and develop further would be the third one as the perspective isn't right and I could correct that with further practice. I really like the fourth and last image but when drawing Tess in the fourth image, I was drawing her as such a weird angle, so if I could go back and change anything about that it would be the viewpoint, but I think its turned out ok though. On the last image I personally like the colours that I have used to draw the image.

Study Task 5- Form, Flow, Force

Ah, Push it!

This was the third task we was given for Form, flow, force, we had to draw each other either pushing and pulling an object or wall/surface, each of these poses had to be between 5 to 10 minutes which could become quick difficult after a while. The first image was Tess pulling a chair,  the second was Brogan pushing a brush against the floor, I decided to use oil pastels for this image. in the future I may try and improve using them or not use them again as I really don't like how they look and don't know how to use them properly. The third image is Amy pushing against the counter top, again I personally think I could improve on this image as you cant really tell was shes pushing on, as the poses became difficult and could hold them for the full time, and finally the last image is of Tess again pulling her shoe off, out of the four I think this is my favorite one as I really like how using a lot of different colours looks, and I quite like the drawing without a face too it make it look more abstract.