Thursday, January 14, 2016

Studio Brief 1- Process and Production


For my animation based on the brief, Studio Brief 1- The other side, I have based my animation on spirits because its the other side of life. I started to research into animations that reference the other side, such as the book of life, as in Mexico they celebrate the death of their loved ones with bright coloured flowers, candles and day of the dead most iconic symbol sugar skulls. I also looked into the animation, The princess and the frog, with in this animation, the film references the other side, which is portrayed as a dark spiritual side. I used both of these animations as my inspiration towards my animation because I used the theme of Day of the dead and the dark spiritual side.

After I had decided on my theme for my animation I then started  to research into grave stones on the celebration of Day of the dead, my research can be found in my mood boards where I collected images I had found off Pintrest. This research had helped me loads as I then knew I had to include the vibrant bright colours, which I included in my drawing of the sugar skull. My research for the dark side with the spirits, again I had looked at images on Pintrest on how I could gather ideas on how to draw my spirits in my animation.

Once I had done enough research for me to start drawing up my initial ideas, I started to then draw up some graves in which I wanted to be in my animation and started to draw my designs of the sugar skulls. I had drew up both a light and dark side, sugar skulls which will represent life and death. after completing this animation I now know not to include colour gradients to something that has so much detail, As it made animating slightly more difficult for myself. In the future i plan to stick block colours, although I would keep to having the background as a gradient as it adds depth with in your animation.                

 I was given feedback on the candle that I would need something written on it, to make my animation  more clear. Using this back really helped me with my animation, as without this text added on to the candle my animation wouldn't make sense and would be very unclear to the audience.

after I had drawn my storyboard and my sugar skulls, i needed to plan how to move the hand into the scene. doing this I had to take pictures of my hand holding an object so i could sketch them out. doing this really helped me know how the hand had to bent and how the hand in my animation would be holding the skull. In the future if moving a hand in a similar way to this animation, I think i know what steps to take in the process of doing so and will be easier for me.

The main problems I came across in this brief was, animating the paint drops, dropping off the skull and having the paint on the step moving it way back up towards the skull, In future animations I now know not to animation great detail with colour gradients and having paint dropping as the process of this felt very long. I am extremely happy with how my animation has turned out, and happy with how all the movements throughout my animation run smoothly, also if I could go back and change anything out of my animation, I would changed the text font on my candle to something easier to read.

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