Saturday, January 9, 2016

Studio Brief 1- Process and Production

Line test

These are a few screen shots of my line test that I had done, to test out my scene in my animation for The other side. this scene involves a hand moving in and placing a sugar skull upon a lit candle.
to create this scene I had to take pictures of my own hand moving in the way that I wanted the hand in this scene to move, I the drew out each key frame in my sketchbook to then give me a better idea of how it would look, and finally drawing this scene on animation paper and scanning it in so i could draw each key point on illustrator. 

 These are the drawings I had done in my sketchbook for the main key frames for the scene in my animation. 

When reading the Animators survival kit I came across how to animate a foot when running, I thought this would be helpful when animating my scene where the hand moves in and places the skull down as i wanted the hand to look as if it was moving in a similar way where the hand moves up and then slowly places the skull down. This also helped me by showing me how many key frames was to be needed to animate this scene. 

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