Thursday, April 27, 2017


When Starting this module, I had started on the collaborative brief, working with two graphic designers for the thirsty planet YCN brief, I am really happy with all my work for this brief as I think it looks professional, I think that the posters work well in a set together and I think that the water bottles that I have designed to, look really good and professional for a campaign. I started this brief thinking that working with two graphic designers on a campaign brief would either go two ways, one where they’re really helpful and the feedback that I receive of them will be really constructive or where I feel like they would take over the design part of the brief because they have a better understanding of what is being asked for the brief. After we finished this brief and looking back at the work that I had done for it, I am really proud of myself as I personally think that I have done a good job on both the posters and the water bottles.

If I could go back and change anything about this brief would be to actually make the posters in to screen prints as I would like to further my skills in screen printing, and another thing that I would change would be how many times that I would meet up with my group because one member of the group didn’t turn up to any of the meeting that we had organized with in the first 3 weeks which made it extremely difficult to continue with any work because they didn’t know what we were doing. We had also submitted all our work to YCN on time, but I was unable to blog the screenshot of the submission because when I asked for the screenshot confirming we has submitted, I didn’t receive it from my other group members.

The Ohh Deer brief that I had submitted to was probably my most favorite brief this module, this is because there was so much freedom to design anything that I wanted, and because I based this brief off something that I loved so much I enjoyed it the most. I am also really happy with the outcome of my design too, I think the illustration is really strong and the font works well with the whole design.

The brief that I think was my weakest work for this module was my Loopdeloop animation, I think that its not my strongest piece of work that I’ve done and If I would have spent more time on it, it probably wouldn’t look so bad. I would also change the colours that I’ve chosen for both the character and the background as I don’t think that the colours work well together.

I have learnt that I need to manage my time and get myself more organized for future briefs, because I feel as if I didn’t leave myself enough time to finish some briefs or even finish my work to the best of my ability, and it shows in my loopdeloop animation. I am really disappointed in myself for that brief because I know that I could have done so much better, and being on an animation course which I enjoy so much, my animation should be my main priority and made to the best of my ability. 

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