Wednesday, April 26, 2017

6 loopdeloop

For this months loopdeloop animation the theme was six, I had thought of a really simple animation idea where the alarm clock changes to six in the morning. The image above is a quick storyboard idea that I had done for this animation. 

This is my animatic for this animation, I had worked from my storyboard panels but had neaten up all the lines for my animation, I had changed the last scene though from looking down at the character from a birds eye view, to having the camera angle at the side of her. I decided to have the morning song by Edvard Grieg at the beginning because it is mostly used on scenes like this, when someone is about to wake up of a morning, but then decided to have the alarm clock soundtrack cut it off completely. 

This is my finished animation for the Loopdeloop competition. I personally think that this animation could be so much better, as I could have taken more time with drawing the backgrounds and what colour the background was going to be. I just think that the whole animation could have looked better, if I had worked harder on this competition.

I had also added a different competitions work in this animation, this was because there was too much blank space at the right side of my animation, and I made it look as if it was a poster on the wall. 

To be able to submit my work to Loopdeloop I had to upload my animation to vimeo beforehand and then copy and paste the video url, after this I had submitted my animation for this months competition. 

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