Monday, February 8, 2016

Introduction Task- Workshops

Although these are not my images, these are the materials used to help create my character. The milliput is used by taking a equal amount of both blue and yellow pieces, doing this will mean that the milliput will dry and become hard, I had used the milliput on my characters feet as there was screws inn the centre of them, so that I could then late screw her into the wooden board. The top image is the same Styrofoam that we had used. I had used the Styrofoam for my head and body of my model, to the get the shape of my character, I cut and carved the shape using a craft knife. Once the Styrofoam was glued on we had to cover the model in masking tape so that the Palestine would stick to it. 

You are able to see the milliput on my characters feet, where I had to put it on over the screws that where in the center of the feet. and the masking tape that covered the wire so then the Plasticine would stick better to it. 

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