Tuesday, May 16, 2017


At the start of this brief I struggled to find a group as everyone had already split off and formed their own groups the week before, so trying to find a group to join that I thought I would work well in and would benefit me with my work was hard. I had then asked Guy and Dan if I could join their group and although Dan was happy with the idea of me joining their group Guy was hesitant.
We had all met up to discuss our strengths with in our work to make it easier for us when we start pre-production, I was happy that both Dan and Guy put me in charge of Pre-production as this is what I feel like I do best in with in my own work. I feel as if I was really organised at the start of this brief as I had managed my time so well, and I had done all the research on Alzheimer’s ready for when we start animating, the only thing I’m unpleased about is, I had done so much research and spent so much time getting in contact with care homes to see if we could visit with permission, but unfortunately we were unable to find a care home close enough for us to visit.
Guy had also recorded me and Dan talking about our experience with having a close relative suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, because we were all so focused on trying to come up with a really good and effective idea for our animation, we had completely forgotten that both of us know what its like to see someone suffer with the disease, and take a step back and see if we could come up with an idea out of either of our answers to a set of questions that the three of us had written. Which we then used for people who emailed us in response to our poster. The poster was then posted all around the university, which I really enjoyed doing as I like the whole design side of projects and I think this is why I enjoy pre-production so much and this brief has made me realise this, so this will be something that I will continue in the future. Another thing is, I was really pleased with the outcome of the poster as we had so many responses of people wanting to share their stories of experiencing someone so close to them have Alzheimer’s.
 I had also enjoyed creating the room designs, as it gave me a chance to further my skills with layout design and also it gave me a chance to improve on my drawing skills too as I had drawn up different chair designs that where going to be included in the different scenes with in the animation. I personally think that after designing the backgrounds it has made me realise that I would like to improve my skills doing this too as I want my pre-production skills to be the best they can be.
I was unhappy at the start knowing that I wouldn’t be actually animating anything for this brief, as I thought that my work that I had done/ was doing was less important but now looking back I am quite happy that I didn’t as the work that I had mostly completed for this brief was design work and coming from a background where I have studied graphic design for multiple years, I think I was probably the best person out of my group to do the design side of the project and I am really happy with all the work I have done.
Working with Dan and Guy was so much fun and not only have I enjoyed working with them both but I have also learnt so much about how they work as individuals and work with in a team. I think that we have all helped each other throughout this brief as we have not criticised each other’s work but only given advise on how to improve each other’s work. We made sure as a group that we are always helping each other when needed instead of someone having nothing to do and others having too much to do that they are unable to finish any work. I think in the future I would definitely consider working with both Dan and guy again.
If I could go back and change anything it would be how I managed my time towards the end of the brief as I wasn’t able to finish all the backgrounds for scenes 2 and 3 in time for when Dan needed them for the line tests

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