Friday, November 6, 2015

Studio Brief 4- Apply evaluation

For my animation on the studio brief 4- Apply i have based it on the subject fear and because my biggest fear is birds. If i could go back and change anything during this project it would be the dot work on my animation because the animation is hand drawn the process was slightly more time consuming than what i think doing the animation digitally would have been. In the future i may attempt to complete an animation only using dot work as i really like the outcome of the first scene, the swam of birds. I really like how it all flows together and the amount of detail that can be seen. Another thing if i could go back and change something during this project it would be my time management, I think i personally need to come up with an initial idea early on in the brief so that i have plenty of time to develop and gather more feed back for my animation.

Once I had my idea for my animation, I decided to draw out the flight cycle of a bird in my sketchbook, I also decided to test this process out in a flip book so that i could see how my drawings would turn out when completing my animation. The planning of the flight cycle had helped me hugely when it come down to me drawing the scenes where the birds could be seen flying.

I personally really like the scene with the phone line, as it gives the animation some perspective. I think this is mainly because throughout my animation there is no background present. This would be another thing i plan to work on towards future animations, as i would like to try and animate different layers of backgrounds at different distances, which would give greater depth to my drawings.

I plan to work towards my character development in the future, as i am quite disappointed with how my character looks, this is because i didn't really plan what my character would look like because i just wanted a simple drawing of a man cowering, and because i didn't plan to be showing much of his facial features anyway. although i am disappointed at my character because i could have developed further am not hugely upset with how my character looks because the last scene is planned to be quick and i wanted my character to me simple compared to my first scene of the swam of birds.

When i had finished drawing my animation on paper i had tested it out by doing the line test multiply times so then it could help me have a more clear idea of what frames needed adjusting and what frames needed to be filmed either on one's or two's. I came across problems after i had line tested my animation because i had drawn the flight cycle of a bird, when i had tested my animation using the line test certain scenes would play too fast and you was unable to see the actual flight of the birds moving across the scene. I resolved this problem by changing these scenes so that they would be shot in two's.

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