Friday, January 13, 2017


At the start of this module I had an idea and I was going to create this animation based on Jelly fish and animate it in Maya, the reasons I didn't continue with this Idea was because I don't feel too confident with using Maya, although I look back and think if I had just went through with creating this animation then I would know how to use this software and know how to use it properly, so personally I don't think I had stepped out of my comfort zone very much. Also during the time of this module I was quite ill which had put me quite a bit back from the production of my animation.

A couple of weeks after the module had started I had changed my mind, and I was going to create an animation using photoshop but with painted backgrounds, although it was still a 2D animation, I still wanted to make it different compared to my other animations that I have created and using painted backgrounds was it for me.

I have struggled with this animation because for the characters I had chosen them to be polar bears, which I could not find a lot of reference images or videos that would help me with my animations, although I did watch quite a few David Attenborough documentaries on polar bears. which is what inspired me to have the panning scene at the start showing you the environment in which my animation is set in, I also took inspiration from the documentaries with the music as they play classic music in the back ground, so I had spent a couple of days, which seemed like forever listening to classical music trying to find one that would fit my animation perfectly,

With my animation I feel as if it could have been more interesting, as I feel as if It was just lots of scenes with walk cycles, I just think that there could have been a lot more going on with in the animation and a lot ore movements and everything the quite small, apart from the scene where the bear is roaring, that scene is probably my favorite one as it was really simple and I only used three different images to create that scene but Its in your face as the bear moves forward and there is nothing in the background to distract you, so your full attention is on the bear. I had got some reference images from the film brother bear for that scene, although they are different bears with different body structures and different facial features, it helped me with how the bear should be moving when roaring.

Although I am really pleased with how my animation looks and plays, if I could go back and change anything it would be to create an animation with less scenes, with every animation I have created so far I always manage to try and make it harder for my self without trying, and even though I am happy with the outcome I need to learn how to keep things simpler so they don't become too boring.

When creating the study tasks, I really enjoyed them, although I am not a big fan of using Maya and Moom, I quite liked giving him different expressions and seeing the 3D character become slightly realistic, but I mainly had the most fun when creating the puppet study tasks as they were reallt simple and easy to make.

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