Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Seven

After some feedback I had slowed down the panning speed so then you can see the environment that the animation takes place in for longer, but also I have started to animate the baby polar bear appearing out of its den, the only thing with this scene is, that the snow below the polar bear slightly moves, this isn't really noticeable and wont take long to fix 

In this rendered video of the start of my animation, it shows you the movements of the mother polar bear turning her head to greet the baby polar bear, there is a couple of frames which I am not completely happy about as the position of the mother polar bears head looks like its in the wrong place, but once playing back the complete scene back the movements look really good and flows really nicely which i am happy about. 

I have continued with the scene where the baby polar bear meets the mother and I am really happy with the walk cycle as it flows so smoothly, as there was some difficulty with the walk cycle that I had created last time, the only thing that I now need to change in this scene now is the placement of the two polar bears as I have left quite a lot of dead space and the baby polar bears looks as if it is floating

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Six

In this video it demonstrates the first couple of scenes together, although these are just backgrounds it helps give me an idea of how my animation will actually look. If I was going to change anything about this animation already it would be to slow down the first scene as I think it pans to quickly and doesn't give you enough time to understand what you are watching.

After realising that the first scene moved too fast I had went back and adjusted the keyframe set for that scene. The scene now pans a lot more slowly across and zooms in to the hole more slowly too

In this video, all of the backgrounds are placed together, ready for me to start animating onto of them,  so far I am really happy with how it looks and the timing of everything

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Five

This is the first scene of my animation, which is just panning through the environmental shot. I wanted this scene at the start of the animation because it leads you into the story of the mother and baby polar bear, I had also watched quite a few David Attenborough documentaries which helped influenced this scene 
This is still the first scene but the scene then leads into the second scene through zooming into the hole with in the snow, this is where the baby polar bear will appear

These two images are some more of my backgrounds for my animation, these backgrounds will be used towards the end of my animation when the baby polar bear drifts off out to sea.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Four

This is my animatic without sound, just to get an idea of how the time will be before I add sound to my animatic. I am really happy with how long each scene will take place

This is my final animatic with sound, although there are quite a few sound tracks added to this animatic I am really pleased with how it sounds. I am also unsure about some of the scenes in my animation, such as the two scenes where it cuts to the mother polar bears face, as I think that those scenes are nott really needed 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Three

These are some of my environmental backgrounds that I had started off with for my animation. I wasn't really happy with how the backgrounds had turned out because you can see where the paper has bent because I was using water colours, and over all I think the backgrounds are too dark and too blue for my animation as I wanted something a lot more subtle.   

This is my storyboard for my animation. which shows various different scenes in which I will animate the polar bears in. I think I could have developed my storyboard a bit more as that would help me more planning my animatic and helped me more with my actual animation. 

These are my new backgrounds for my animation as I didn't really like the original backgrounds that I had painted for my animation, I think that these will work better within my animation as they are a lot less vibrant and more subtle, These backgrounds will also work better with my characters of the polar bears too. I feel as if these backgrounds have a lot more depth to them and look more realistic. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Two

I decided to change my Idea from Predator and Prey to Adrift, and have decided to base my new Idea on Polar bears. This is a mood board that I had created which shows images that I had found on pinterest, that I think will be useful towards my research for my animation idea. 

Here are some of my concept drawings for my animation based on Adrift. These drawings basically show some of the main key poses i will be including in my animation, I have also drawn some really basic facial expressions, I have only drawn three expressions because the expressions on the polar bears will only be shown towards the end of the animation. 

This is a basic walk cycle I have done to gather an understanding of how a polar bear walks and the different movements throughout the polar bears body. This will help me in many different scenes within my animation as I have a few scenes which demonstrates the bears walking