Wednesday, May 4, 2016


For the brief Applied, the thing I struggled most with would have to be animating in Maya, as I would forget the short cut keys and would find it difficult how to move some objects around, like when creating the truck. In the future I do plan on carrying on using Maya as I did like using it once I started to understand how Maya works, I personally just think I need to keep practicing and then the software wont seem so daunting to me.

If I was to go back and change anything over this brief it would be, small things in both my animations for the Tv idents, as I didn’t realize till last minute that on the hallmark channel, the girl in the birthday panel her hair doesn’t completely cover her head and when creating her mouth I made it a light pink colour but when creating the bride I created her mouth to be white and then realised that the white mouth looks better, so if I was to go back and redo this motion graphic these would be the things I wouldn’t change.

I would also change how the logo is presented on the Hallmark channel ident as I feel as if it is too long being shown for 3 seconds right at the start with nothing else happening, I did try and fix this by having the logo shown for a second and half each at both the start and end of the animation

The things I would change on the E4 TV ident would be to completely recreate the scene where the person is tattooing the woman as the arm movements look so wrong and move too much, I also noticed there was a gap which I didn’t see in the scene where the person wipes away the ink and by the other arm its white where I had missed.

Over all I am proud of my animations and my work that I have done on Maya, as I really like creating motion graphics and feel comfortable creating them, and I think the sounds that I have chosen for my E4 ident really fit well with my animation.

Study task 1- Maya Modelling

This is my walk cycle on maya, above are just some images i had screenshot whilst animating my character moom to walk, to create the walk cycle I first had to create a plane so it looked like moom was actually on the floor and then had to create a another plane so then I could place my reference picture up besides him, this would make it easier for my to know the correct movements in the walk cycle. 

Although I had created the walk cycle, I then realised after rendering out my character moom that it looks as if he is limping, and he has lost an eye, I don't know how I managed to make him loose an eye, but I think in the future I will improve as I plan to carry on using Maya to animate. 

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is my finished animation for the brief Applied, this animation is a TV ident for the Hallmark channel, based on life's special moments, I tried to pick 4 special moments that would apply to most people, and I think the fact that its a motion graphic will fit in with the Hallmark channels audience as it is for families.

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is my final Animation for the Applied brief, This animation is a TV ident for E4, overall I am really pleased with how this animation has turned out, although I do think that I could have gone back and improved on some things such as the arm movements

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is the last scene of my animation, this reveals the E4 logo at the end once all the ink has been wiped away, I wanted it so no one knew quite knew what was going on really until the end but obviously the colours that I have chosen to animate with give away what TV ident this animation is for. 

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is my animation for the E4 TV ident so far, this is the fourth scene completed, as I am happy with how the video of the woman getting tattooed plays inside of the TV in the other scene and I am also happy with how the whole of the fourth scene zooms in, so it looks as if it is playing through an actual TV screen.

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is how I wanted the scene to look alike but then i quickly seen that the image i have placed in to the TV slightly moves forward. Idealy I would want the whole scene to zoom in to the Tv screen and then the remaining scenes will have a boarder around them as if you are still watching it on a Tv screen.

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is a short piece of my animation, I then rendered this video and had to place it with my other part of my animation so then this video would play inside of the TV in the other scene, the one thing I would change out of this scene would be how much the arm moves, as it doesn't need to move as much as what I have animated it to be.

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is an image and video of the man in scene 2, this video demonstrates the movements of his arm when switching on the TV, I struggled a bit when it came down to animating this scene as the perspective changes as the remote and the hand get closer, I then had to take reference pictures to help me for this scene 

Studio Brief 2- Idents

For my first scene I will have a still image for only 1 second, in this image it will be of a living room then the scene will cut and change to the scene where the man will be on the couch, these are just some tests of colour for the scene, I decided to go with the second one as they were the E4 colours and having just a purple scene is too much but with only having a slight bit of white in the scene makes them stand out so much more 

Studio Brief 2- Idents

For this third scene again the scene its self is still, this is because I wanted o make it look like the TV has taken a second before it has properly turned on, so this scene is only a second long and then the next one will be where the woman gets her tattoo

Studio Brief 2- Idents

This is my animatic for my E4 TV ident, this is basically showing you how long each scene will be played for and what the sound will be like with the animation, although if I had the time I would go back a create a more detailed animatic.