Friday, December 2, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales/ Week Eight

This is a finished video of my second scene in my animation which is of the baby polar bear walking up to the mother bear to meet her, although I am happy with how this scene looks, I personally think that the scene is over to quickly and isn't long enough. 

In this video I decided to carry on the baby polar bear walking, as I want the bear to walk to the end off the scene and then have the baby polar bear walk into the next scene where it will start to play with the snowball, I am still unsure whether to include the next scene where the baby polar bear plays with the snowball or just have it go straight to the scene where the bears stomach starts to growl, as I don't think that the next scene is completely necessary.  

After watching this video of the first couple of scenes of my animation, I have noticed that in the scene where the baby polar bear meets the mother polar bear, the bears eyes blink too quickly, because I am unhappy with how quickly the bears eyes blink I will be extending the time where the eyes are open, I have also started the third scene where the baby polar bear sees the snowball and starts to climb up to play with it. 

In the first video on the last scene I was happy with how the polar looks walking up to the snowball and was happy with how everything flows but I didn't think that the scene was long enough and that the baby polar bear kicking the snowball needed to be longer. In the second video I had animated the scene longer and had animated the bear slowly walking back down the snow. For this scene I had to make a small model of the baby polar bears head, so that I could take reference pictures to help me get an idea of how the bears head should look when turning, I had only made the model out of blue tack to quickly get some images so I could continue animating.  

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Studio Brief- Telling Tales Research

Song of the sea is a hand drawn animation which uses painted backgrounds, I thought it would be relevant to research into this animation further as I am creating an animation in a similar way using water coloured backgrounds and then animating over it. Tomm Moore talks about how hand drawn animations can be more personal than animations made with CG because if you have a simple character design and beautifully made backgrounds then you can project yourself into the characters.
Tomm moore also stated that he prefers to makes animations for children because as a child they are easily shaped by animations, this is why he prefers to create his animations by hand drawing them.